About UDG - Defense/Military Experience:
United Development Group, LLC (UDG) is a mechanical engineering firm with a background in the design, development and support of medium/minor caliber US Navy gun weapon systems. UDG has extensive experience in the following weapon areas:
Our experience with remote weapon systems includes the mechanical integration of the optical sight, remote operators console (ROC) and associated electronic enclosures.
The mechanical integration of these systems and sub-assemblies is a detailed process that requires precision and a knowledgeable engineering team to ensure fit-up and functionality. Parts and assemblies require meticulous application of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing; therefore, drawings go through a careful review process to ensure functionality. UDG applies these skills to provide engineering services for various clienteles across multiple industries.
- MK 96 - 25mm Chain Gun Weapon System
- MK 38 MOD 1 - Crew Served 25mm Chain Gun Weapon System
- MK 38 MOD 2 - Remote 25mm Chain Gun Weapon System
- Remote 30mm Chain Gun Weapon System
- M242 25mm and M230LF 30mm Chain Guns
- Various other machine guns, including: M2HB .50cal Machine Gun, MK 19 40mm Grenade Machine Gun and 7.62mm Machine Gun
Our experience with remote weapon systems includes the mechanical integration of the optical sight, remote operators console (ROC) and associated electronic enclosures.
The mechanical integration of these systems and sub-assemblies is a detailed process that requires precision and a knowledgeable engineering team to ensure fit-up and functionality. Parts and assemblies require meticulous application of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing; therefore, drawings go through a careful review process to ensure functionality. UDG applies these skills to provide engineering services for various clienteles across multiple industries.